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單筆消費滿3000可享全家店到店免運 單筆消費滿5000可享新竹宅配免運(僅限台灣地區)
About Gallant Outdoor :
Gallant Outdoor® was established in California back in 2018 and began development in Taiwan. Our products are mainly divided into two major categories: “stylish camping gear” and “lifestyle functional clothing.” Since the beginning of Gallant Outdoor®, we have consistently delivered high-quality products and aesthetic lifestyle designs. Our product line includes over a hundred items that we are proud to put our label on. The outdoor community in Taiwan has helped our team grow, but we are ready to expand and share our style to a larger market. Gallant Outdoor® has been teaming up with all sorts of brands for some top-notch limited collab gear. And guess what? We just dropped our “G/LAB” series: quality functional clothing products, especially designed for those hardcore outdoor players. We're about to make waves in the Japanese outdoor market real soon. Stay tuned!
Gallant Outdoor®ブランドは2018 年にアメリカのカリフォルニア州で設立され、台湾でスタートしました。現在までに、台湾のアウトドアコミュニティで一定の知名度があります。主力として「スタイリッシュキャンプギア」と「ライフスタイル機能服」の2つがあります。ブランドの設立いらい、ハイクオリティの商品とライフスタイルの美学デザインを貫いています。現在、商品ラインは100つ以上あります。また、Gallant Outdoor®は、違う分野のブランドとの限定コラボレーション商品を展開しています。さらに、最近もプロのアウトドアコミュニティに向けにデザインしたハイレベル機能服「G/LAB®」シリーズも発売されました。絶対に見逃さないでね!
Gallant Outdoor®品牌在2018成立於美國加州, 在台灣發展起步,至今在台灣戶外圈已小有名氣,品牌主要分為兩大類別“風格露營裝備”與“生活風格機能服飾”品牌創立以來一直秉持著高品質的商品及生活風格的美學設計,目前產品線已經有100+個產品,此外,Gallant Outdoor®目前除了與多家不同領域的品牌推出限定聯名系列商品外;近期更推出了針對專業級的戶外玩家設計的高階機能服飾產品''G/LAB®''系列,也相當值得擁有!隨著時間過去,至今品牌規模也越來越大,近期也即將進軍至日本戶外市場,敬請期待!
We use the following high quality brand for our products:
Also, our factory is proud to have the following certifications:
Global Recycled Standard
The Global Recycled Standard ensures that the final product contains at least 20% pollution-free recycled raw materials and is 100% pollution-free. It also has strict regulations on pollution prevention and treatment measures during the product manufacturing process.
OEKO-TEX® is one of the world's most famous textile industry labels. It is a set of fabric safety standards jointly developed by the Austrian Textile Research Center, fourteen well-known textile certification agencies around the world, and the International
Environmentally Friendly Textile Association. It is used to detect whether residues in textiles and garments affect the human body. It ensures that there are no hazardous chemicals in the design process, and the fabric ingredients are harmless to human ecology.
Bluesign® is a system that standardizes and certifies textiles from raw materials, production to use. It confirms that the raw materials used in products are harmless and that waste water discharged during the production process does not affect the ecology. It also ensures that consumers can use it safely. If the process meets these standards, then the certification mark will be awarded.